RotorX kit purchasers
I'm posting this here and in the RotorX section as well.
I started a Facebook group for RotorX Kit Purchasers. It may or may not be worth a crap.
The intent is to have a place where RotorX kit purchasers can share information and make comments on the current Bankruptcy and what may or may not come from it. Maybe get a group effort to legally be involved in the bankruptcy proceedings, who knows. But a place where we won't have people with potential competing interest involved. Hopefully a place for civil honest discourse about our options.
Not all Kit Purchasers are on this forum, nor Facebook. If you don't want to be on facebook,but are a kit purchaser, let me know. WE can exchange email addresses and I'll keep you up to date on the Facebook happenings.
It's for RotorX kit purchasers only, just in an effort to lesson the drama as our situation is drastically different from the average rotorway owner/builder. If you are a RotorX Kit Purchaser you can join the group by logging into Facebook, searching for "RotorX Kit Purchaser" and ask to join the group. It is a private group. Only members (RotorX Kit purchasers) can post or see the post.
We are the ones who are out tens of thousands of dollars.